
XML File Data Extractor Toolbox Column Data Comparison Data Trimmer Delimiter Separator Extra New Line Remover JSON Formatter and Converter Online HTML Editor Prefix and Suffix Modifier URL Decoder and Encoder XML File Data Extractor XSD File Data Extractor mdi-information About mdi-phone-classic Contact
Toolbox Column Data Comparison Data Trimmer Delimiter Separator Extra New Line Remover JSON Formatter and Converter Online HTML Editor Prefix and Suffix Modifier URL Decoder and Encoder XML File Data Extractor XSD File Data Extractor
Beautify XML Process mdi-file-move Clear mdi-delete
Tree View JSON View Element Value
Clear mdi-delete
Select mdi-select-all
Select mdi-select-all Clear mdi-delete
Extract mdi-export Select mdi-select-all Clear mdi-delete

XML File Data Extractor

This tool will extract the data from an XML file or code and display as Tree and convert to JSON format. It can also use to validate an xml data and to extract the value or values from the extracted elements(tag).


  1. Field to select what file to process.
  2. Option Menu for showing:
    • Beautify XML - Beautify or format the XML code.
  3. Button to extact all the elements from the file or text content.
  4. Button to clear the content of the left panel area.
  5. Tab for Tree View panel that allows to overview and interact with the data via the tree navigation.
  6. Tab for JSON View panel to view the data as a human-readable text and objects consisting of attribute-value pairs and array data types.
  7. Tab for Element Value panel to view the extracted value from the xml elements.
  8. Button to clear the content of the right panel area.
  9. Tree View selection for selecting what type of data to extract.
    • Leaf - will only include leaf nodes, but will render parent nodes as either partially or fully selected.
    • Independent - allows one to select parent nodes, but each node is independent of its parent and children.
  10. Field to search and filter the data to display.
  11. Checkbox to enable or disable case sensitive checking.
  12. Left panel area where to input the XML as text, also where XML file content is diplay after processed.
  13. Panel area for Tree View where the data from the xml will dislay as Tree.
  14. Button to select all the content in the JSON View panel area.
  15. Panel area for JSON View where the data from the xml will convert to JSON format.
  16. Selection of extracted elements from the file or text content.
  17. Button to select what element or elements to display.
  18. Button to select all the content in the Element Value panel area.
  19. Panel area where the data from the extracted element or elements.
  20. Checkbox to select what node or nodes to extract.
  21. Button to select all the content in the extracted node panel area.
  22. Panel area where the data from the extracted node value will display.

How to extract an XML file

  1. Select a file by clicking the XML File Input field(1) or copy an XML content and paste it to the left panel area(11).
  2. Click the Process button(2) to extract the data. The result will display in the right panel area(12) for Tree, panel area(14) for JSON format and panel area(18) for extracted elements.
  3. In the Tree View tab(4), select what type of selection(8) and click the checkbox(19) to extract the node value, use search(9) to filter the tree node.
  4. In the JSON View tab(5), select the Select All button(13) to copy the content.
  5. In the Element Value tab(6), select the element to display from the Element List selection(15) and click the Extract button(16) to re-display the result.

See how it works

Friendly Reminder: Before any database changes especially in production, please make a backup copy. If you have a feedback or would like to request a new feature, please visit our Contact page.

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