
Delimiter Separator Toolbox Column Data Comparison Data Trimmer Delimiter Separator Extra New Line Remover JSON Formatter and Converter Online HTML Editor Prefix and Suffix Modifier URL Decoder and Encoder XML File Data Extractor XSD File Data Extractor mdi-information About mdi-phone-classic Contact
Toolbox Column Data Comparison Data Trimmer Delimiter Separator Extra New Line Remover JSON Formatter and Converter Online HTML Editor Prefix and Suffix Modifier URL Decoder and Encoder XML File Data Extractor XSD File Data Extractor
Remove Delimiter Apply mdi-arrow-right-thick Clear mdi-delete
Select mdi-select-all Clear mdi-delete

Delimiter Separator

A delimiter is used to separate data. Examples of delimiter are space, comma, semicolon or pipe. The tool converts data from a spreadsheet into a (comma, semicolon, space or pipe) delimited list of values or vice-versa.


  1. Selection of delimiters which apply to separate the column data.
  2. Selection of qoutes which enclose the column data.
  3. Button to apply all the delimiter from the left panel with or without qoutation and generate the result to the right panel.
  4. Button to select all the content of the left panel.
  5. Button to clear the content of the left panel.
  6. Button to remove all the delimiter from the right panel and generate the result to the left panel.
  7. Button to select all the content of the right panel.
  8. Button to clear the content of the right panel.
  9. Left panel area.
  10. Right panel area.

How to add a delimiter

  1. Copy and paste data on left panel(9) as shown on the screenshot.
  2. Use the Delimiter dropdown(1) and select one of the options.
  3. The next dropdown(2) allows you to add single or double quotes.
  4. Click the Apply button(3).
  5. Check the right panel(10) for generated result.

How to remove a delimiter

  1. Copy and paste delimited list of values on the right panel(10) as shown on the screenshot.
  2. Use the Delimiter dropdown(1) and select one of the options to use for removal.
  3. Click the Remove button(6).
  4. Check the right panel(9) for generated result.

See how it works

Friendly Reminder: Before any database changes especially in production, please make a backup copy. If you have a feedback or would like to request a new feature, please visit our Contact page.

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